Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pet Smart

The Oh has been talking about getting a pet. So far we are a pet-free family. In moments of insanity Sugarpop thinks getting a puppy would be fun. That'd be nice. Of course I'd have to change my blog from The Everyday Dad to Insane in the Membrane: My Padded Room or They Won't Let Me Have Shoelaces. Still debating which one I like better.

As a negotiating ploy The Oh then talks about getting a kitten. Nice try kid, but mom and I are semi-allergic and we're already changing the diapers of 2.2 bottoms each day (The Oh is still working on that aspect of toilet training, but I'll get into that in another post.) and the thought of scooping poop from a litter box in addition to diapers has little appeal.

So to understand where The Oh was operating from I asked him to name the pets he would like to have. He said, dog, cat, and guinea pig. When I reminded him that mom was allergic to cats he said, we could just get a new mom. When I also said I was allergic too he said, "Well . . . you can just stay in the backyard and mow the grass."

Look for my blog in crop-circle form in the near future.


A New Me said...

Having caved into that "we need a pet" mania that seems to affect all children, my advice is DON"T do it! I am now living with two very geriatric cats( and believe me that is not fun), one older cat, a geriatric dog and an adult dog! The girls are grown and about to be on their own and I am left with the herd. My best and easiest pet was Ringo the Cockatiel. Messy, but easier to clean up after than dogs or cats!

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Hmmm, has the Oh been conspiring with my 4yo? She suddenly wants a puppy.

Uh, yeah, don't think so!

Angie said...

OK...as soon as I read Single's comment I immediately thought of Angela from "The Office." :)
We have the two dogs and I have to say that it is totally worth it. I know I am biased because I love my dogs, but the 3 year old is now letting them in and out for their potty breaks! That being said, she is petitioning for another pet.

Jonathan said...

I grew up with cats since day one, so that's my bias. I would have voted for a cat, but you have allergies.

Guinea pigs are too fragile for little tots.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, don't get both a cat AND a dog! We're going on our third week of trying to get 2 middle-aged pets acquainted and its not a pretty sight.

What about a flying squirrel?

Misc said...

They Won't Let Me Have Shoelaces has a nice ring to it.

If you go with a pet go with a Beta fish. They are way low maintenance and a great starter pet. All you need is a tank (we had ours in a 5 gal. tank w/a divider so the 2 fish - Darth Maul and Darth Vader - wouldn't tear each other to shreds).

Pippi said...

We just added a puppy to our family. Sam is 2 1/2, the youngest of three, and it was hard. As much as I love Hershey and am glad he is now part of our family, it's like I have a toddler and another baby again (and this baby doesn't use diapers).