Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sock It to Momma

The W had a tough day. The night before The Happy Elf awoke at 3 a.m. and stayed up partying until 5:30 a.m.; when the W decided to not fight it anymore and got up.

He's getting his 2-year molars right now so there's been a few restless nights.
Top that off with 4.5 months of pregnancy; full-time work; part-time PhD student; pre-school volunteer; and generally tending to the motherly needs of the boys--she was spent.

She arrived home at 4:30 a few afternoons ago. She tried napping in the playroom (or as some people call it, the living room), but the boys wanted her to play. She moved from chair to couch. The boys followed.

Finally caving into exhaustion she announced she was going up to bed for a nap. Walking up the stairs sheer tiredness overtook her and she began to weep. I asked if anything was wrong, she said, "tired".
The O announced he was tired too and was going to take a nap with mom.

I could see behind his eyes that he didn't mean it, but still I let him follow the W up to the bed.
He came down a few minutes later and announced, "Mom was sad, but now she's OK."

I spent the next few hours trying to entertain the kids at a quiet volume so as not to disturb the Sleeping SugarPop.
Only later did I learn what happened when the O went up with her. . .

Still weeping she crawled into bed. The O followed. He asked, "Momma, are you crying?"

"Yes O." she replied.

"Are you sad?"

"A little."

Where upon the O scooted off the bed, went to the basket filled with clothes to be laundered and plucked one of his socks from the pile. Climbing back onto the bed he dabbed his momma's tears with his sock.

"Is that better? Are you OK now?" he asked.

"Yes babe. Thank you."

Then the O came downstairs and the W slept for two hours.

We all try so hard to take care of our children. Seldom do we realize how well they take care of us.


Amy said...

Now you've made this pregnant mommy cry.

You are a good husband for letting her get that nap in. I know this fetus is trying to kick my behind, I can't imagine if it was my third.

A New Me said...

Boy I am so happy to see a new post, and this one is particularly poignant. What a wonderful family you have. The W is an awesome woman and the O and happy elf are outstanding children. Oh yeah, you are a great dad and husband! So you see I really look forward to your posts.

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

I say all the time that I don't know how Sugarpop does it all (including making homemade Valentine's at 2:00 am).

I know about the sheer exhaustion thing. In fact once when I ran into Sugarpop in the park, I cried into her shoulder as she hugged me. I was so tired with the new baby and a toddler to look after.

The W is such a wonderful person. If she needs anything, let me know.

Anonymous said...

You are my love.


Anonymous said...

That is just so sweet. I was having a day myself last week and the little tree-hugger came over to the couch and put her head on my arm and cuddled. They suck so much energy that it's easy to forget how generous they are with themselves.