Tuesday, February 5, 2008

LOST Fans: Sawyer Nicknames

The W and I don't watch TV like we used to. Gone are all our reality-tv shows, sitcoms, and dramas; replaced with DVR'ed episodes of Dora, SUPER WHY!, and the flavor of the month (Wiggles, Barney, Clifford, Backyardigans, etc.).

One of the few shows we've stuck with (besides House) is LOST. We've watched it from the start and we can't leave it behind.
I was visiting one of my favorite TV sites, TV Squad, and found that ABC is offering a Sawyer Nickname Generator.

After typing your name you select some characteristics about yourself. Then Sawyer gives you a nickname. The O ended up with "Ladybug", Happy Elf was "Mathboy", there wasn't a characteristic for "Chubby Hubby" so I ended up with "Picasso", but it was the W who was bestowed the best nickname and may be referred to in future posts with her Sawyer-given-nickname . . . "Sugarpop".


Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Sugarpop suits her! She should start her own blog and call it that.

Ladybug is my daughter's nickname (thus my tattoo- or "taptoo" as she calls it). Can't wait to see what my Sawyer nickname is!

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Just tried it. My nickname?


Oh, that was a hoot!

My husband was "Chewie." Granted, I didn't ask him for his traits, I chose them.

Anonymous said...

Okay I am Ferdinand, if i use the smart thoughtful brain. When I am using the smart creative impulsive brain I am Stork! Not at good as Sugarpop!

Anonymous said...

I'm Spacebar.

When I saw "Sawyer", my first thought was "Ah, Mark Twain!"